Economic Science High School and ABIplus®
Economic Science High School
The Obermenzinger Gymnasium is a traditional economic science high school (WWG). – But there is also the option of choosing the linguistic branch.
In the 7th grade, students choose either the economics or the linguistic profile. Choosing one of the two branches means that in grades 8 to 11 subject-specific focuses are learned.
If you choose the linguistic branch, you will learn 3 languages the following order:
- English as the first foreign language from grade 5
- Latin as a second foreign language from grade 6
- French as a third foreign language from grade 8
Traditionally, most of our students choose the economics branch, which can be chosen with the language sequence: English / French or English / Latin.
In this branch, the focus is on economics. Economic knowledge is imparted in the subjects of economics and law as well as business informatics. In terms of content, basic knowledge of business administration and economics, law, as well as knowledge from the field of business informatics are discussed. Our teachers pay great attention to conveying real economic topics and practical experience.
For example, in the “Economic Researcher” project, the 8th grades deal intensively with an economic topic and thus get to know different perspectives on a particular issue.
Participation in our student company in the upper grades also enables the students to apply the knowledge they acquired in the middle level into practice.
The knowledge of economics and law as well as business informatics also support the content of our elective course area ABIplus, which is unique in Germany: Students have the opportunity to obtain a professional qualification/degree before graduation (see information on ABIplus).
ABIplus® is a modular vocational education programme that runs in parallel to the normal Gymnasium education. We currently offer three vocational pathways:
- EDV-Buchhaltungsassistent/in (VDP)/Accounting Data Entry Clerk (VDP)
- Kaufmännischer Assistent/in (Fachrichtung Betriebs- und Personalwirtschaft)/Business Assistant, specialising in business management and human resources management
- Multimedia-Assistent/in (VBP)
ABIplus® is a registered trademark of the Münchner Schulstiftung – Ernst v. Borries –
VDP: Bundesverband Deutscher Privatschulen
VBP: Verband bayerischer Privatschulen
If you are interested, please make an appointment with the head of the ABIplus® program, Caroline Gebhardt. The secretariat will be happy to forward your request.