Educational pathways


We offer two distinct educational pathways:


Economics and Social Sciences Gymnasium with an Economic Sciences profile

The first foreign language is English, beginning in the 5th year.
The second foreign language begins in the 6th year with a choice of either French or Latin.
With the choice of French, the decision has already been made for the Economic Sciences branch, beginning in the 8th year.
The subjects economics and business informatics are introduced in the 8th year.


Linguistic Gymnasium

Pupils begin with their first foreign language, English, in the 5th year.
Pupils begin with their second foreign language, Latin, in the 6th year.
Pupils begin with their third foreign language, French, in the 8th year.
If Latin is selected as the second foreign language, the choice of educational pathway remains open until the 8th year.

Overview: Educational pathways and foreign languages (German)