Privatgymnasium Dr.Chmiel established by Dr.Gustav Chmiel, Marianne von Borries and Elisabeth Rohmer as an all-day secondary school with an ancient language and modern language branch.
Purchase of premises Freseniusstraße 47.
First final exam carried out.
Death of Dr. Gustav Chmiel.
PE lessons shifted to the new compound of Postsportverein on Franz-Mader-Straße.
Death of Marianne von Borries.
Administration of school taken over by Ernst v. Borries.
9th graders do a degree for "Qualifizierender Hauptschulabschluss" for the first time.
Complete school shifted to Freseniusstraße 47. New buildings are erected (9 classrooms, Physics and Chemistry halls, music hall, and canteen).
Charitable, not-for-profit foundation "Schulverein Obermenzinger Gymnasium" established, former Dr.Chmiel e.V; "Schulverein Obermenzinger Gymnasium" becomes the organizing institution. The name of the school is now "Obermenzinger Gymnasium".
Obermenzinger Gymnasium becomes state-recognized.
Economic sciences branch is established, first computer room is created.
Establishing a professional training program called ABIplus.
Renovation and complete revamp of Physics and Chemistry hall with the generous support of the parents.
First final exam for a degree as "Staatlich geprüfter kaufmännischer Assistent" (commercial executive) .
Purchase of the premises Freseniusstraße 49. The building is reconstructed and equipped for the needs of the 12th graders.
First final exam taken by 11th graders for a degree as "EDV-Buchhaltungsassistent" (accountant assistant using computers)
Educational programs SOCRATES-COMENIUS I und -LINGUA commence.
September: relief operations start to help the Italian city Casenove which was severely damaged by an earthquake.
October/December: relief operations for the mountain regions around Casenove.
December: School organizes fundraising for a new school building in Casenove for Christmas.
January: 40000 DM remitted for a school building in Casenove.
March: Inauguration of the new school building in Casenove, assisted by a delegation of Obermenzinger Gymnasium.
August: Purchase of premises Freseniusstraße 45b and construction of a streetball yard.
November: ceremonial act about the fundraising for Casenove, assisted by a delegation from Umbria and a representative of the Republic of Italy.
Spring: Relief operation for Casenove comes to an end. Total of fundraising amounts to 155000 DM
(Fundraising co-operated with Realschule Pliezhausen and Collège La Perrière).
July: Fundraising for traumatized children in Kosovo amounts to 6700 DM.
"Children for a better world e.V." awards students for their commitment in Casenove.
Oktober: Construction of the „Leonardo bridge arch“ in the garden of the school.
November: Second computer room is set up in the College building.
Mai: More than a hundred students from four nations finish their annual Comenius-Projekt with a musical setting of pictures in a pavillion on the school premises.
July 4: Great ceremonial act at the hotel "Bayerischer Hof" commemorating the 40th anniversary of the school.
July–Oktober: Ceremonial program with concerts, theater performances, a summer-fest, a literature evening and puppet theater.
January 1: Klaus Blaier becomes new principal.
Beginning of G8 (eight years of secondary school instead of nine years) with our own innovative pedagogical model.
January 1: "Münchner Schulstiftung – Ernst von Borries –" becomes support foundation of Obermenzinger Gymnasium and Privatgymnasium Dr. Florian Überreiter.
The new building on Freseniusstraße 45b/47 is finished (four classrooms and canteen).
Introduction of a quality management system (QM).
Death of co-founder Elisabeth Rohmer.
Obermenzinger Gymnasium hosts a staged conference of the European parliament: students from seven countries congregate at Maximilianeum (the Bavarian parliament).
Certification of the school according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.
Opening of the new building "Haus 5" (gymnasium, four classrooms, big study).
Key is handed out to the principal Klaus Blaier in a ceremonial act.
The recently founded „Jan-Comenius-Grundschule“ and its after-school care club are hosted in the new building for a year until 2010.
Relief operation for the city L’Aquila which was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake.
Obermenzinger Gymnasium carries out a fund-raising campaign with the support of other schools to set up a new playroom at L’Aquila hospital.
May: Recertification of the school according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
Obermenzinger Gymnasium celebrates its 50th birthday:
July 8: 50-year-summer-fest with approximately 800 guests in Obermenzing.
July 26: Great ceremonial act at Prinzregententheater assisted by foundation owner Ernst von Borries, Dr. Thomas Goppel, Walter Gremm und numerous other guests.
September: Launch of the bilingual track (German/Englisch) with the beginning of the fifth grade.
October 2: Big ceremony at Prinzregententheater.
Launch of iQUEM (quality, environment and energy management system)
April/May: Another successful recertification of the school according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.
July 11: Bavarian summer fest
August 1: After more than 30 years at Obermenzing Gymnasium, Klaus Blaier retires.
His successor as the new principal is Dr. Oliver Berg, who had previously taught at Obermenzing Gymnasium as a teacher and had been deputy principal at the private Gymnasium Dr. Florian Überreiter until July 31, 2017.
Purchase of the neighboring house Freseniusstr. 45 for the future "Haus 6".
Introduction of German as a foreign language as an additional school subject for certain students.
Introduction of the European Computer Driving License ECDL.
Official designation of Obermenzing Gymnasium as a STEM-friendly school.
Ceremonial opening of House 6